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Thorsten Koehne
Thorsten Koehne
Thorsten Koehne
Thorsten Koehne
Thorsten Koehne

Full Name : Thorsten Koehne.
Date and place of birth : 20th June, Bielefeld, Germany.
Family Status : In a relationship, no pets but a lot of guitars!
Town you’re living in : Bielefeld.
Instruments conversant with : Guitar, Bass and anything I can play with a pick.
Previous jobs before music : School, Music store, teaching guitar.
Description of your Music : Eden´s Curse music!
Current Record Label : AFM Records.
Current Musical Status : Guitar player in Eden’s Curse, Code Of Perfection and various live and studio session gigs.
Previous Bands / Projects : Attack, Demon Drive, Code Of Perfection, Hardline, Joe Lynn Turner´s Sunstorm, Paul Sabu.
First record you ever bought : Queen – “News Of The World”.
Last record you bought : Rob Zombie - "Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor".
Top Five albums of all time : Queen – “Live Killers”, Van Halen – “Van Halen, Police – “Outlandos D´Amour”, Racer X – “Street Lethal”, Michael Jackson – “Thriller”.
Heroes and Idols : Brian May, Eddie Van Halen.
Dream band reformation/reunion : Van Halen with David Lee Roth AND Michael Anthony.
Song you’d most like to have written :  Wham - “Last Christmas".
Most underrated band of all time : Racer X.
Most overrated band of all time : Metallica.
Fondest memory in your music career : Getting my first electric guitar, being onstage at Wolverhampton Civic Hall opening for Dream Theater.
Worst memory in your music career : Actually not being able to find the stage "Hello Cleveland"!!!
Nickname at School : Toddi.
Biggest compliment made about you : “You're God"! Well, thank you! :-) 
Favourite TV show/film : TV: News, Muppet Show, The Walking Dead Movie: Blade Runner. 
Most annoying person on TV : Seeing Heidi Klum in a TV ad for “Guitar Hero”.
Things you hate :  Life’s too short to hate.
Hobbies interest outside music : Astronomy, Science, Computers, Swimming, Riding My Bicycle, Art, Travelling, Life. 
Childhood ambitions : I wanted to be an Astronaut.
Short term ambitions : Kick ass with Eden’s Curse.
Most prized possession : 1964 Epiphone Wilshire signed by Paul Gilbert.
Most annoying and unhealthy habits : Playing guitar with my teeth.
Most embarrassing moment : Nothing I would make public here ... it´s embarrassing!
Place you would most like to visit : Coconut Grove, Electric Lady Land, Space, Lenny Kravitz's studio in the Bahamas. 
What makes you laugh : Jim Breuer doing Metal impersonations.
If you won the lottery : I’d buy Lenny Kravitz's studio in the Bahamas.
Favourite Food/Drink : Sushi, Coke light.
Prime Minister for a day, what would you do : Change my passport to British and buy Lenny Kravitz's studio in the Bahamas.
Fantasy date for one night, who would you choose :  A 68´ Olympic White Gibson Flying V (ohhh baby).

Thorsten Koehne is supported by the following companies:

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