Full Name : Nikola Mijic.
Date and place of birth : 23rd May, Senta, Serbia (formely Yugoslavia).
Instruments conversant with : Bit of Bass, Guitar, Piano and Voice!
Previous jobs before music : Live Sound Engineer and Studio Owner.
Description of your Music : Melodic Metal.
Current Record Label : AFM Records.
Current Musical Status : Vocalist in Eden's Curse, AlogiA and Dreyelands.
Previous Bands / Projects : Expedition Delta, Wisdom, ROV.
First record you ever bought : Michael Jackson - "BAD".
Last record you bought : Allen & Lande.
Top Five albums of all time : Symphony X - "Divine Wings Of Tragedy", Dream Theater - "Scenes From A Memory", Black Sabbath - "Heaven & Hell", Machine Head - "Blackening", Pantera - "Reinventing the Steel".
Heroes and Idols : Chris Lord-Alge.
Dream band reformation/reunion : Pantera.
Song you'd most like to have written : "Cinderella" by Steven Curtis Chapman.
Most underrated band of all time : There's to many ;-)
Most overrated band of all time : I don't listen to overrated bands.
Fondest memory in your music career : AlogiA's solo concert in the heart of Belgrade in 2005, the day we shared the stage as a support band for Whitesnake in front of 15.000 people. Playing before Queensryche with Dreyelands in Budapest and finally joining EC in 2013 xD
Worst memory in your music career : Singing in a club in Hungary in front of pissed CAGE fighters waiting for their late salaries!
Nickname at School : Johnny.
Biggest compliment made about you : "Throat Of Steel" by an Itallian Dreyelands fan.
Favourite TV show/film : TV: Entourage FILM: The Thing, Demons 2, Starman, Tesna Koza I - II - III.
Most annoying person on TV : The guy in the commercial.
Things you hate : Cat hairs on my plate!
Hobbies interest outside music : Family, sports, swimming, drawing, inventing things and fixing stuff at Paul's house ;-)
Childhood ambitions : "Be the best I can".
Short term ambitions : Sing the heck out of my head with Eden's Curse!
Most prized possession : My Family and Friends!
Most annoying and unhealthy habits : Doing things against my will.
Most embarrassing moment : It would be more embarrasing telling you about it!
Place you would most like to visit : All the best beaches and studios of the world!
What makes you laugh : DJ preparing to press play!
If you won the lottery : It would be quite a niiiiiiiiice day.
Favourite Food/Drink : All sorts of tradicional recipes, Kebab, Pljeskavica, Waffels and raw food.
Prime Minister for a day, what would you do : Not enough time for crucial changes.
Fantasy date for one night, who would you choose : Snow White without the dress!